
The Philips bariatric service was a companion product to the newly renovated bariatric unit at Presbyterian Hospital in New York. After the architectural department at Phillips redesigned the department the client was so pleased they requested in addition a service that would further improve the overall experience of the patients and doctors. In this project the main user is documented as the patient after surgery.

Meet Our Users

In this project it is noted that there are multiple users each with their own pain points, needs, and goals. Each were thoroughly explored and during exploration it was determined that the main user was the patient during their recovery period post-op. Therefore, documentation from here will consist primarily of the main user.

Main User - Patient

Focus Group Activities

I participated in and facilitated a series of focus group activities and interviews with all of our users to further understand their needs, pain points, and goals. In addition with making sure we keep in alignment with business goals. These activities included one on one activities and group activities much shown in the picture. Here I can be seen overseeing one of the groups and documenting their valuable work and contributions.

Patient Journey: Bariatric Surgery

Goals Of The Process

To Be Healthier

Lose Weight

Lifestyle Change


Success Metrics


1) Interact with checklist

2) Interact with "make recipe" button.

3) Updating activity tracker

4) Setting reminders


1) Increase daily active users by 5%

2) Increase engagement by 10%


After conducting focus group activities and interviews I did research on various services that are already provided and exist in order to see what they are including in their services and how I can improve our service/product to make it even better and ensure all our users needs are met along with their goals.

Our Service Solution

Post-Op Kit and App

Patients are required to have very specific portions of food and liquids and it can be one of the hardest things to track and make sure they are consistent with. Therefore, a physical kit with the two products that they will need for both weeks 2 & 3 would be included upon discharge from the hospital. The products include blender bottle and food scale.

Recipe Screen

By choosing the make it option on one of the meal cards on the menu screen you will be brought to the recipe. Here you can see a break down of the carbs, proteins, and fats, a description of the meal, what you will need, and steps on how to make it.

Exercise Screen

All users expressed that it is important for the user to remain physically active even though they are in the recovery from surgery. Therefore, there is a pre-programed routine from the nurses and doctors built into the app. These routines are the exact routines given upon discharge from the hospital and must be performed by each patient.

Checklist Screen

All users expressed that the healing process is a slow one and the results are dependent on users making sure they attend all their checkups and followups with doctors and nutritionists. It can be a challenge to keep up therefore, the app will have the checklist built in including reminders so the user won't forget to schedule or attend.

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